How Hypnosis Helps to Increase Self Confidence

One of the reasons I turned to hypnotherapy was because at one time I lacked self-confidence. A few years ago I came out of a relationship and completely let myself go.

I was not feeling pretty. I gained weight. I felt not good enough.  Desperate for help, I began to research all there was about self-confidence: What it was, how to get it, what was needed in order to feel confident in my own being. I was determined to overcome this feeling of lack of self-worth. defines confidence as " a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's own abilities, The state of feeling certain about the truth of something," I had an "aha" moment when I realized that the lack of confidence comes from the beliefs we hold in our subconscious mind. These beliefs that we hold here affect how we show up in life and how we react to situations. When we have access to our subconscious mind we are able to change our beliefs. As I dug further the research led me to hypnosis.

Through hypnosis, I was able to overcome several limiting beliefs. I discovered that with the right hypnotherapist, my sessions not only involved hypnosis but also breakthrough coaching to help me understand why I was feeling and acting the way I was.

My actions were completely self-sabotaging any chance of success in life because of what I was feeling about myself. Through coaching and hypnosis, I was able to get rid of limiting beliefs that were blocking me. I'm still on that journey toward self-discovery but along the way, I discovered my passion for helping others.

One of the many reasons hypnosis works well for self-confidence is because we discover which core beliefs are blocking us. Together with a therapist or coach, we are able to reprogram the subconscious mind to create and envision a new you who is confident and successful. Someone who truly loves themselves. It can take a few sessions but you will come away like I did: with a renewed and empowered sense of self, feeling much more joyful and confident. It helped me and I know that it will help you too.

Alicia Sierra